Sunday, August 5, 2007

Anti-Recommendations - Water Park Towers

Water Park Towers - Arlington, VA

Even the positive reviews can't bare Archstone Smith's money grabbing ways

1. This is really a luxury apartment. The rooms are very well sound-proofed, so you seldom hear your neighbors. The service is great; most problems get taken care of within 24 hours, no matter how much work is involved. The gym is OK and there are professionally catered tenant parties twice a year. There is even a voting precinct based here, so on election day you can actually vote in one of the lounges on the first floor.

But the prices are ludicrous. Most of the tenants are older because very few people under 30 can afford to live here. The rent goes up between 8 and 20 percent each year, depending on the unit and on a range of factors that they don't care to explain to you, so you never know what to expect until the increase hits you.

If you have tons of money, live here. If not, find someplace else.

2. I have lived here for over 2 years and the rents have become ridiculous. Another major downside is the train noise. The racket is loud enough that it can drown out conversation, wakes you up at night, and the vibration has shaken a picture off my wall. They have started to charge residents for parking as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you that the rents are high but now add in that several tenants are playing their stereos so loud that it is vibrating the walls as well as the trains.

The manager is trying to handle things on a cas by case basis but it is not working.

Find someplace quieter.