Sunday, August 5, 2007

Anti-Recommendations - Van Ness South

Van Ness South - DC

1. Do yourself a favor and don't rent at Van Ness South or at any Archstone properties. During the 3 years I've lived here, it's been nothing but problems despite the fact that management has changed 3 times! Thankfully, I haven't had any mice or roaches in my apartment, However, most management office employees are not accommodating and can be incompetent and rude; maintenance services are less than mediocre, and the Tenants Association is pretty much a joke and pointless. You will not get any good customer service here or even with HQ managers if you have a problem.

If for some reason you still feel like you want to live here despite all the warnings, don't rent an apartment facing the alley. Otherwise, you'll be dealing with deliveries at 3-4 am to nearby restaurants several times a week, very loud A/C equipment in the summer, and construction equipment associated with the parking renovation (which by the way has been nothing but a nightmare for those with a car). Like others, I've had enough and will be leaving soon.

2. I totally agree. Do not move here! The management is terrible. I've lived here for a year and have had nothing but problems with them. They are arrogant and rude and totally not helpful whatsover.

3. I moved into Van Ness South (VNS) in the fall of 2005. It was and still is a pricy building, but offered many amenities for that price. Now on a near monthly basis services and amenities are being reduced or completely cut.

Two weeks ago building management decided to cut our evening security guard from every night 11pm-7am to only weekends. What were they thinking? People only attempt to break the law on weekends? Jeez Yesterday, management sent out a notice alerting residents to a break-in earlier this week. Those criminals work pretty fast, no? What a surprise not! Archstone also goes on to say that security is the sole responsibility of the residents that’s directly from the notice they posted.

Building maintenance at VNS has suffered greatly over the past 2 years. I can t say that maintenance was ever great or perfect, but there were at least enough guys to get to apartments to look at a problem. Then as guys left the building they were never replaced. The Archstone 24hr service guarantee is a bunch of baloney.

The parking situation is a nightmare. The parking garage is undergoing major renovations so currently residents have free-for-all parking. If you can find a space great, if not, street parking may be available in the surrounding 4 or 5 blocks. Can you believe everyone pays $160 a month for THAT? The biggest concern is how long this is going to last. Archstone keeps telling residents 19 weeks and it will be over. They started a month late because the DC government shut them down for not having building permits. So that s an extra 4 weeks to tack on to the 19 weeks. They also started renovations of the VNS management office last September. It was supposed to be complete in December, they still haven t finished and it s nearly June! Gives you an idea of what we’re in for with this garage project.

Yes, some of the apartments at VNS are larger then others. Yes, we re only 2 blocks from the metro. Yes, we re right next to a supermarket. But does that make up for the negatives? I used to think so, but the more and more that goes on here and the more and more I think it is time to leave

4. I have lived there for 4 years and have a whole litany of unresolved issues, lame promises and poor customer service. The only thing they seem to know how to do is cash your rent check. Lease renewal is a terrible experience-basically they tell you "take it our leave it" no negotiation for all the things left promised but undone. They do not understand the meaning of customer service and reasonability.

We have roaches which are being treated but recurring, a toilet that flushes constantly, a dishwasher that doesn't hold the soap, a handle on the back door that came off and smoke from a chain smoking neighbor that they tell ME to buy a ion air freshener! Enough-we're moving out and I would not recommend this property to anyone even though it is convenient to everything and have large apartments and utilities included. Sad, it could be awesome but I am tired of being held hostage for the high rent and no services.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This place is a disaster zone!