Sunday, August 5, 2007

Anti-Recommendations - Bennington

Bennington - Arlington, VA

1. For almost the entire winter, we did not have hot water for showers. More often than not, it was ice cold and you couldn't even shower. The hallways always smell like a dumpster, and the building doesn't look much better. The weight room is terrible. There is nothing good about this apartment other than its location (10 minute walk) to the metro. I can't say strongly enough, STAY AWAY FROM THE BENNINGTON!!!! It is worth the extra $200 you will pay for something far nicer. Also stay away from Crytal Houses, Crystal Towers they are just as bad if not worse. In fact, stay completely away from any Charles E Smith building. There are many other better options in the area. Rent at the bennington, and you will have 100% disatisfaction, 100% guaranteed.

[response to that post] You forgot to mention that the water was so cold in the winter the pipes burst and for several days many apartments had little or no water! Why is the water so cold? Because they try to save money on the utilities while overcharging us for hot water we NEVER USE!

2. I lived in the Bennington from August 2003 to May 2007. At first, it was a nice place to live, but around 2005, things changed for the worst. They started charging extra for utilities and parking (those were both included when we first moved in), they stopped cleaning up as thoroughly, and don't get me started on TWO winters in a row with *major* issues with hot water. Taking a cold shower in the morning in January is not my idea of "luxury living," which the Bennington claims to offer. Don't believe them!

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