Saturday, April 12, 2008

Too Funny -

This week's Post real estate section features an Archstone property. It's a new property, so the people who are asked to comment on it haven't had the opportunity to experience the full range of life under the Archstone banner.

I want the Post to come back to these folks after their first lease expires and ask them how they enjoy those $300/month bumps to get another lease.


Anonymous said...

This is hysterical ! Do you real spend your free time blogging about a management company?

Michael said...

I spend some of it warning people away from making a big mistake. People who aren't paid by Archstone Smith for a living don't deserve to be taken for a ride by them.

Anonymous said...

The same thing happened to me too so I support your blog. It's also linked on wikipedia.

Anonymous said...

I work for Archstone, and I am sorry that you had a bad experience. I take my job as Leasing Consultant very seriously as does everyone I work with, and everyone I know, within the company. Our Management Office and Service Team DO live by the 1 Day Service Guarantee, and although renewals are the worst part of my job (as I have great tenants at my property who I really care about!!), the truth is rent increases are a fact of life. Perhaps you moved into an Archstone during a down time of year? Or, perhaps your apartment was undermarket when you moved in? Whatever the case, you seem a little hung-up on this, don't you think?

Michael said...

Drink all the kool aid you like anonymous Archstone person. When I stop getting messages from people who get hit with $300/month rent increases when their 1 year lease expires, then I'll let it go.

In the meantime, people deserve to know the truth, and not the spin.